Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Blog Post 1 for Testout 2012

Describe in detail the purpose of social bookmarking and how this tool is useful to a student like yourself. Give specific examples of how the tool is to be used. Describe how social bookmarking has changed the way that people and society has changed during the past 5 years because of social bookmarking.


  1. Social bookmarking is important because it helps people manage and search bookmarks of what they need online. It is useful to me when I am studying for school or working on a project because if I find a website that I may want to use later I just have to bookmark it. Bookmarking has changed in the last 5 years by people changing algorithims. It has also gotten bigger.

    1. Social Book marking is used for bookmarking sites that you want to receive updated information from. Social bookmarking is useful to students because you can subscribe to teachers blogs and other resources and you can stay up to date with them. An example of how social bookmarking can be used is if I want to keep up with my friends blog I can bookmark it and get automatic updates whenever he posts something.
      People and society have changed by every one wanting information very very quickly and updated regularly, so it has made our need to stay informed go up with the increase in speed of information transfer all in the last 5 years.

  2. Social Bookmarking is important, because with it students such as myself can easily find information for school, or other important areas of life. In school we’ve gone on Delicious, and Digg to find articles, and videos that would help us with reports, or lessons for that day. Using social bookmarking we can easily find material that are both appropriate and go with our topic. You can use social bookmarking if you have to write an essay and need an article, video, or website for the article. Also, you can use it for anything; say learning how to cook. You can type in cooking, and the only things that pop up are links with cooking tags. People and Society have changed over the last 5 years with social bookmarking because we’ve been able to use the internet for more and easier learning. In the last 5 years using computers and technology has sky rocketed and people use social bookmarks on a daily basis to find what they need quickly and easily. In our computer classes in Jr. High we used Delicious for our lessons to teach us about cyber bullying. Education has changed with social bookmarking, and it will continue to change as technology improves and expands. (Jocelyn Groll)

  3. Social book marking is a useful tool to a student like myself because it keeps people connected. Having school and to study like most of the people my age do, you cannot be near your friends whenever you want. So, you can use social bookmarking instead. You can let other people know what you are doing at any point in time. You can also see what other people are doing on their social bookmarking site if you wish.

    Social bookmarking has changed alot in the last 5 years. Just like people, social bookmarking is making new advances every day to integrat new things, and every day people start an account to social bookmark in an effort to keep up with technology as it advances.Social bookmarking has effected people because they can know what is happening in many different situations without obtaining the information in other ways. instead they can just use social bookmarking.

  4. The purpose of social bookmarking is to help you get to sites that you think are important just by pressing the webpage they are under at the top of the page. For some people it can be used to mark sites that are useful like if they have a online study guide they can save it as a bookmark and get there quicker than typing the whole link out. Bookmarking over the pass five years has become more widespread as more and more people are getting on the internet and using it as a resource for work/school and for communication, therefore bookmarking those sites because they are important.

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  6. the purpose of social bookmarking is to make peoples life's easier. it allows people to go a webpage multiple times very quickly and efficiently without the frustration of looking through history.i believe social bookmarking is useful to a student like myself b/c it will allow me to bookmark pages that i will use or have used for a report or project for school. social bookmarking has changed the way humans live in society the past 5 years by saving time b/c it is allowing people to look up stuff instead of going to the library, or asking a friend. it has made people less friendly in community's b/c people don't talk to each other as much as they use to.

  7. Social bookmarking's purpose is to be able to be able to go back to any website that you've saved on your browser. For a student, it can be useful because if you are working on a project in school and need access to a website you found at school, you can save it and continue working at home. It is also a good study tool because if you have an online study guide you can get easy access to it. It can also be used for communication with other students.
    With people and society changing as time goes on, over the past five years bookmarking has become more common and widespread. It's more common because the Internet is being used a lot more now a days

  8. Social bookmarking is important because it is an easy way to find things that you like and have seen recently. I can put my classes and helpful tools so it wouldn't take as long to find. I can tag people or things and I could see other relative pictures or videos. Social bookmarking has become more in depeth and it is a useful to schools. It is helpful to all people and, therefore, being a useful tool.

  9. Social bookmarking is important because it lets people bookmark pages online in a fast and easy way. Social bookmarking is useful to a student like myself because I can easily bookmark pages that I may need for school or other activities. Social bookmarking is used to find information and then be able to save that information so it can be easily accessed later. For example, if I need help with math homework, I would find a site with information on it that would help me and I would bookmark the page so I could access it later if I need more help. People and society have changed over the past 5 years because of social bookmarking by people being able to access a site that they have already been to faster. Due to this, people are able to get there work done faster.

  10. The purpose of social bookmarking is important because it lets people socialize and save any web page in case they would happen to need it later. I use social bookmarking to get useful information from multiple web sites and to make it easier I bookmark them for later use. Social bookmarking should be used for informational gain rather than personal or monetary. In the past 5 years, social bookmarking has became more used by people for information about a variety of things.

  11. Social bookmarking is important because it helps to get to previously bookmarked web pages quickly, and it can organize your bookmarks making it a speedy way of getting to what you were looking for. It is useful to a student like me because I could use it to bookmark web pages that i need to get back to for schoolwork or when I'm working with a partener for a project I could quickly show them sites that I used to locate information. People and society have changed during the past 5 years because of social bookmarking because it has allowed them to have an easier way of bookmarking web sites.

  12. The purpose of social bookmarking is to easily save a web page so you can go back to find it later on. Also, it is a good tool to use for talking to people. I can use it to find web sites to use for a class and be able to return to them at a later date. Social bookmarking has changed society in the last 5 years by making it easier to go back to important web pages.
    -Meagan Fry

  13. Socal Bookmarking is to save a web site on your browser a visit it again without having to search for it again. It's useful to a student because if they are writing a resach paper and they have to leave to go home they comback the next day and bam right there ready to go. It has changed a lot in the past five years like now you dont have to wright websites names down to remember them, it is easy to search, you dont have to leave the house to go to the library and find books on the subject. It also has made people very lazy because it made them not have to leave the house and also had made people very antisocal.

  14. Social bookmarking is a good tool for a student like myself because it helps me discover new websites, videos, pictures, and etc. to help me with my homework. It also helps me like a wiki people read, watch, and study new info and people keep giving new info out and people take it in and use it as a resource. This tool should be used by finding a specfic subject your looking for and find what you want like a web page bookmark it and then keep moving on to the next item you want. Then once you are done finding all the book marks then you w you can go to your bookmark's tab and then organize all the info and bookmarks that you wish to organize. People have changed because of social bookmarking because we are getting smarter and smarter everyday people come up with new ways of doing somethig easier, cleanier, and more sufficent like making a computer and/or manufacturing a car. Last people get new ideas an experiement with them like making a rocket ship fuel cell and they make it work to the point that space age travel is possible because of one little website. One small website though can make one of the largest impacts like Facebook or Twitter.

  15. Social bookmarking is important because it helps people search for and save whatever it is they may be looking for online with only a touch of a button. For me, it is useful because I am able to do things like research papers by finding information posted by other people, and interact with people all over the world all at the same time. All I need to do is bookmark information, and anyone I want to see can see what I have found or said, and I can acess it from any spot I want. Social bookmarking isn't just for research papers, either. I can use it when I have found something that interests me, or something that I enjoy, and I can share that with my friends, family, or whoever I choose. I can also talk to, and see what my friends are doing, what they have posted since they have entered the social bookmarking site, and I can also see pictures of things that they have been doing, or things they have put online of me.

    Although social bookmarking has changed society in many ways, sometimes it is hard to realize it. Society has become more dependant and reliant on the internet in the past few years, that we even rely on social bookmarking sites for seeing our favorite telivision shows, talking to my friends, and even things like finding information for papers. As an individual, I hardly ever go to a library when I am working on a paper unless it is required because everything I need can be found on social bookmarking sites. I don't talk on the phone like I used to either because I can easily and quickly chat with the people I want online. We have become very reliant on social bookmarking sites for just about everything we need.

    In the past five years, social bookmarking has grown into something very popular and useful to others. All the time, new social bookmarking sites are being created or growing. Popularity of specific social bookmarking sites have grown and faded, also. Things like Facebook, StumbleUpon, Flickr, and Delicious are all different examples of social bookmarking sites that have become very popular and grown over the past few years.

  16. Social bookmarking is bennificial to me as a student because it is an easy way to find thing that you have used and to be able to get back to a website you have already vistited.
    When you work on the computers at school and need the site to finnish your work at home, you can bookmark it and that way, when you get home, you can easily access the website you used while at school.
    Over the past five years, people have had the abilty to find things faster therefore saving time. Social bookmarking is an efficient way to find exactly what you are looking for whithout the hassle of trying to find it again on a search engine or searching your internet history.

  17. Social Bookmarking is important because you can follow websites or blogs. It is useful for a student like me because I can look on websites that I follow for information on a project. I can also go to that website really quick because I won't have to type in the URL. The past five years people are really getting into them. Facebook and twitter have just been up for at least 4 years been popular because it is organized and easy to use. Some Social Bookmarkings like IM just got lost because they weren't popular.

  18. Social bookmarking is vital as any person because say you want to learn about a topic and you find two useful articles. You would only want to read one at a time, right? Well, with social bookmarking you can just bookmark one for later and read one there. Bookmarking is important as a student because you can collaborate with your classmates and discuss things like homework and projects. Bookmarking has grown exponentially over the past five years due to the growth of the internet and word of mouth. Bookmarking would be nowhere without people willing to expand and improve the concept. Bookmarking should be used to show others what you did or how you think this is a good idea.

  19. The purpose of social bookmarking is to be able to access the websites that you've saved on your browser from any computer. It's helpful to me as a student, because if I find a link at home that would be helpful for a project or studying, I can save it to Delicious or Diigo and can use the site at the library or school computers. If I find a good study tool on the Internet, my friends can see it as well.

    People no longer have to send links to one another. They don't have to sit in frustration because they've forgotten a web address any longer. It's much easier to find out about what the people you know find interesting or useful on the web than it was 5 years ago.

  20. Social bookmarking is used to find websites easier without having to try to find them again. I use social bookmarking to make note of a website that I don't need right now but I may need to use it later. I also use social bookmarking to help friends out by showing them good sites that I bookmarked to help them with their work or projects. Social bookmarking has helped people stay just a little bit more organized in their lives. Social bookmarking is an easy way to get back on track with whatever you were doing last online easily. Society has learned to search the Internet easier and more reliably using sites they bookmarked and finding sites people bookmarked.

  21. The purpose of social bookmarking is to be able to bookmark any website so that it can be easily accessed in the future. As a student, it is useful because I can quickly find a website to help me finish a school paper, project or citation. Also, if I am working with a group for a project, I can share that information with them. Bookmarking has become more widespread, and is much quicker and easier than having to look up the URL.
