Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Second Blog Post for Testout Online A

Comment here on the following questions: Describe in detail the use of RSS feeds and how they function. (Must use complete sentences and explain the process of how RSS feeds functions and why they are so useful.) MUST be in your own words. Please make sure that your screen name is recognizable. I can not tell who belongs to 1234Babe!


  1. RSS feeds syndicate media in a XML format. It publishes once and becomes viewed by other people on other programs. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. These are useful because they make it possible to be seen by other programs and networks.

  2. RSS feeds are used to tell people things that they want to know. You can subscribe to many different rss feeds for many different resons. This could mean its is informing you about the latest news, or information that may only pertain to you such as information about your activitys and hobbies. RSS feeds are very useful because once somthing is posted to them, it will inform you that you have not read that yet. It can also replace news services that require you to watch TV or listen to the radio. Its there when you need it.

  3. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds therefore syndicate media in a XML format. Once it is published, it can be viewed by other people. RSS feeds are useful because they make it easier for other people to view your media.

  4. The use of RSS feeds is to keep people connected to the most recent news while online. It is useful because with it you don't have to go to a specific webpage to get the news it will be published to the entire web. Once it is published it goes up all over the web and makes it easier to find.

  5. RSS feeds are a way to subscribe to a blog or website. RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication." RSS feeds function by automatically publishing when finished, and can then be viewed by others. Everyone can see the website, network, or program that was created, and that is why RSS feeds are useful tools.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. RSS feeds use syndication to allow the information to be available to a variety of websites, making the information you need easier to find.
    -Meagan Fry

  8. The use of RSS feeds are to inform people of news online. They are useful because they can be viewed anywhere since they are published everywhere, which makes it very simple also making it useful.

  9. RSS feeds are simply text files that help feed directories and keep them running and working proficently. They are mainly used for simple text or headlines that you can read and post about on Facebook, Twitter, or even the internet, you can post them on. Say a new headliner comes in "Batman Saves The Day" then that will be posted like an RSS on your blog that you can read to yourslef it usually will come in an XML format. Anybody can see it becuase it will be most likely post all over the internet.

  10. RSS feeds help you get new news or tell people things. RSS stand for Really Simple Syndication. it is popular because everyone can see what you publish or what important companies have published(like apple to see if anything new is comming).

  11. RSS is short for "Really Simple Syndication." There a way to veiw Multimedia. Once posted there able to see the information all over the world. It veiws in XML format. They are3 very usful tools so every one can see what you are posting

  12. RSS feeds is Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds are usually simple alerts about new posts, tweets, and other social networking and Internet based "things". They usually require a subscription to an RSS feed of some sort.

  13. RSS feeds function by using a XML file format to publish information once and then let it be seen by different programs. RSS feeds are used for privacy because with RSS feeds you don't have to give every site your email account. They are also used to save time. You can save time by using RSS feeds because you don't have to visit every site separately. I think RSS feeds are so useful because it allows people who regularly use the web to visit many websites much faster.

  14. RSS feeds are text files that are used to tell people what is happening like new updates or what you are doing today. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS uses an XML format. RSS keeps you connected with what's happening while on the internet. You can subscribe to almost any blog with an RSS feed using your blogger account.

  15. RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds helps anyone view Multimedia in XML format "really simply". What's cool about RSS feeds is that you can view any from your best friend's to a large company's. They are useful because you can incorporate RSS feeds into your blog so you and anyone else who views your blog can read, watch, or listen to whatever Multimedia file it may be. RSS feeds are posted on the internet for everyone to see so there are all types of RSS feeds all over the internet for anyone to view at anytime about anything!

  16. RSS feeds bring up-to-date information as soon as it is available. It stands for Really Simple Syndication. Syndication is the deliverance of news, and with RSS, it's in an XML format, which is not HTML, so it doesn't need a database. When you install the widget onto your blog or wiki, information pops up inthe widget. This makes it very easy to get the specific information updates you want without having to go to another website. Relevant news is delivered to your site.

  17. RSS feeds function by publishing items from a website onto yours. Say you follow a blog, if the writer of that blog publishes something, it will go straight to your page. Also, if you have an iGoogle and have gadgets for facebook, or another website that has frequent updates it will go straight to that gadget and anyone can see it because it’s in XML format. It’s so useful because instead of comstantly signing in to each website you have all the updates on one page. (Jocelyn Groll)

  18. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. RSS feeds help you view many different feeds easily. Basically, it enables anyone to view Multimedia in XML format. So whenever something is posted you can view it anywhere over the Internet.

  19. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It is a format for publishing web content that is frequently changed. It is useful because other networks and people can see them.

  20. RSS feeds are functions that publish an item form one website to your website. It doesnt need a data base. They use XML format and it will keep updating you until you arent on the internet.
